Swimming at Chessgrove is great value and we have year-around offers on our classes and workshops.


Chessgrove Swim Reflection

Baby swimming lesson

Baby Swimming Lessons

  • 30 minute lessons
  • £174.00 for a 10 week block of lessons
  • Free taster sessions are available

Prices correct as of 1st January 2024.

Young boy swimming with a float

Children & Toddler Weekly Lesson

  • 30 minute lessons
  • £79.50 per month onwards – payable by direct debit

Prices correct as of 1st January 2024.

Adult Swimming Lesson

Adult Lessons

  • 30 minute lessons
  • £79.50 per month onwards

Prices correct as of 1st January 2024.

Young woman swimming back stroke

Adult Leisure Swims

  • 45 minute sessions
  • £37.50 per month / payable by direct debit

Prices correct as of 1st January 2024.

“Since joining Chessgrove Catherine's confidence and abilities in the water has come on leaps and bounds. We are so glad we found a swim school that could help her achieve the best she can.”
Sharon Robinson
Jump Right In

01527 821 978

Call now to book your swimming session!